As a community focused on discipleship, we strive to be the multi-cultural disciple-making movement of Jesus. We gather weekly in homes to equip, engage and empower followers of Jesus to live life on mission and multiply so that we may see God’s love and justice put on display in the Charlotte area and beyond.
Sunday Gatherings at 10:00 a.m.
we gather in homes on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am
please fill out the Contact Us section below to receive information about where we will be gathering this sunday

We are currently working through the 10 Actions that make up the all-new Multiply Church Discipleship Pathway together as a congregation.
Learn More
Sermon Podcast
Listen to the messages from our weekly gatherings where we equip a congregation of disciples to live life on mission.
Resource Podcast
This podcast serves as a resource to the people of Multiply Church or anyone interested in pursuing the call of making disciple makers.